Show of hands.
Who is sick of receiving ludicrous amounts of paper concerning their superannuation fund?
The goal of a Superannuation fund is to safeguard our future, so that we don’t become a burden on society. Yet they waste more paper than ‘Chopper' Read does trying to write children’s stories.
It is interesting that organisations with a sole purpose of securing our financial future could have so little concern for our environmental one.
A few short years ago the colour green was associated with envy, the army, money or St Patricks Day, oh and one type of tea. Nowadays every business entity in the western world has taken some action to reduce its carbon footprint or made tactical use of the ‘hot’ issue of global warming.
In short: everyone’s gone green. A colour has taken over the world.
If a company is not planting a tree for every thousand units it sells, then someone in the marketing department is not doing their job. What started off as a competitive advantage; ‘going green’ has turned into an industrial and societal ‘norm’. Brands are quickly shifting from strengthen themselves with acts of ‘green-ness’ to having to use the environment’s plight to maintain brand equity levels.
In what is fast becoming known as the ‘digital age’ of mankind, how can there be a small forest of Superannuation papers stacked upon my desk? Surely an email with a PDF attachment isn’t too much to ask for.
It’s all headed for the trash anyway.
At least an email will actually make it into a ‘recycle bin’
Superannuation is like lawn balls. Nobody under the age of fifty pays attention to it. And the few that do are consider social outcasts. That said, its still bloody important.
Lets Just Say That
When the organisations in charge of our futures are sending more pages of paper than the dollars in our accounts, they’ve missed a major market trend.
It makes you wonder what else they are getting wrong.
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